Roy O'Shaughnessy

Roy has recently retired as the Group Chief Executive of Capital City College Group and prior to this role was the Group Chief Executive of Shaw Trust. Roy was instrumental in the founding of 01 Founders, Visionnaires, and Shaw Education Trust. He was the lead during the mergers of Prospects, Ixion Holdings and Shaw Trust/ Careers Development Group.
Most of the roles Roy has held required substantive commercial acumen, an ability to build staff cohesion, the need to eliminate annual deficits, and, the requirement to grow the organisation three to four fold. Roy has extensive experience in turn-around and strategic growth and in creating new opportunities for growth. He has also sat on numerous boards. Roy’s roles have crossed and blended the for profit, not for profit, government, charitable, and, educational sectors.
Roy is committed to helping organisations to determine their growth potential; develop realistic strategies to maximise the growth potential; and, to seek other partners including mergers and acquisitions.